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What’s Included in a Digital Vehicle Inspection?

What’s Included in a Digital Vehicle Inspection?

As an auto repair shop owner, you're likely still using the traditional paper inspection method that has been around for decades. Technicians mark down issues on a printed checklist form as they manually inspect each component of the vehicle. While this process is familiar, it’s not without its drawbacks. 

That’s where digital vehicle inspections come in. Equipping your technicians with the right digital vehicle inspection software modernizes the entire inspection process. But what exactly goes into a digital vehicle inspection? In this article, we will cover the components of a digital vehicle inspection and explain how it can boost your shop’s productivity. We will also discuss the benefits of using digital vehicle inspection software and walk through the inspection process.

The Pitfalls of Traditional Paper Vehicle Inspections

Paper inspections may have been good enough to get the job done a decade ago when they were the only option for auto repair shops. But these days, they perpetuate costly inefficiencies, mistrust, and inconsistent customer experiences that fall short of evolving expectations. Paper forms get smudged, stained, and rendered illegible over time, with poor penmanship leading to confusion over what was actually written. There's no easy way to include visual evidence like photos and videos to document findings. 

Keeping track of paper trails is inefficient, costly, and bad for the environment. Perhaps most problematic is the utter lack of consistency, as no two paper inspections are ever truly equal, even for the same technician. If a shop has multiple technicians across multiple locations, those inconsistencies can add up alarmingly fast with no standardization. As consumer expectations continue evolving, sticking with outdated paper methods is holding auto repair shops back from delivering the level of service and transparency that today's customers demand.

Key Benefits of Going Digital

While clinging to traditional paper inspections perpetuates numerous problems, making the switch to digital vehicle inspections allows auto repair shops to overcome those pitfalls. By digitizing the entire inspection process using the right vehicle inspection software, auto repair shops can streamline operations, build more trust with customers, and position themselves as a modern, credible business. Let's explore some of the key benefits of going digital:

Benefits for the Auto Repair Shop

  • Increased efficiency by selecting pre-written descriptions instead of manual note-taking
  • Guaranteed consistency across all inspections with a standardized digital checklist
  • Streamlined recordkeeping by storing all inspection results electronically
  • Go greener by drastically reducing paper usage and waste

Benefits for The Customer

  • Total transparency into their vehicle's condition through videos and photos
  • Clarity on why each service is being recommended based on visuals
  • Ability to view full inspection history to see how their vehicle has changed over time
  • Convenience of receiving and approving inspections digitally

The bottom line is that digital inspections modernize the entire process of assessing vehicle condition and communicating findings to customers. Rather than dealing with smeared notes and suspicion around payment requests, shops can provide an elevated experience with credible visual evidence.

The Digital Inspection Process

While paper inspections bog down shops with inefficiencies and inconsistencies, digital vehicle inspections streamline the entire workflow through intuitive, user-friendly technology. The digital inspection process is designed to be just as thorough as traditional methods but with enhanced capabilities and outputs. Rather than working off a crumpled paper form, the technician follows an easy-to-navigate digital inspection checklist. For each key inspection point like tires, brakes, etc., they have several options at their fingertips:

  1. The technician can view detailed descriptions and guidelines on exactly what to inspect and check for at each inspection point.
  2. Technicians have the ability to select a simple, color-coded status to indicate the condition: green for components that are okay, yellow for components where service is recommended, and red for components that require service.
  3. In addition to the color codes, technicians can add notes providing any additional context or information about their findings for that inspection point.
  4. Perhaps most powerfully, technicians can take crystal-clear photos and videos showing the actual current condition of the component, providing visual evidence.

The capabilities of visual evidence are a huge advantage over paper. When 78% of car owners don't always trust their mechanics, transparency can make all the difference in your auto shop's reputation. Rather than skepticism around vague notes, customers can see for themselves exactly what needs attention, taking subjectivity out of the equation.

When the full multi-point inspection is complete, the technician simply needs to tap a button to send the comprehensive checklist straight to the customer's email or mobile phone as a PDF or web link. No more tedious paper forms to manage—the entire inspection record is digitized for easy storage and sharing.

While switching from old pen-and-paper habits requires adjustment, the core inspection workflow remains the same. Technicians may be hesitant at first to adopt new digital processes after years of doing things the traditional way with paper forms. However, they'll still follow their trained process to thoroughly check every component. Digital inspections simply optimize how those assessments get recorded and shared. As customer expectations evolve, digital inspections give auto repair shops the power to deliver the clear communication, accountability, and modern experience that consumers now demand. For auto repair businesses looking to improve efficiency, customer satisfaction, and environmental sustainability, making the switch to digital inspections is a wise investment in the future of their operations.

Click here to see how easy it is to transition your auto repair shop to digital vehicle inspections. Not ready to take the plunge? Talk to an expert at BOLT ON Technology and get answers to all your questions.

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