Shop Talk Blog | Auto Repair Software | BOLT ON TECHNOLOGY

Why Repair Shops Avoid Using Automotive Shop Software | BOLT ON

Written by BOLT ON Technology | Jun 10, 2024 12:15:00 PM

The automotive industry continues to rapidly progress when it comes to technology. But while vehicles and equipment are becoming more advanced, you may be resistant to adopting new automotive shop software and technology that could vastly improve your operations. There are several common reasons for this resistance, but we find most are minor hurdles compared to the substantial misfortune you could face by failing to modernize. In this article, we will explore the common reasons why auto repair shop owners may be resistant to new software, and we will explain why it’s important for you to embrace new technology.

The Need For Automotive Shop Software in the Repair Industry

If an auto repair shop services the latest vehicle technology, it needs to be equipped with the latest information systems and digital tools to properly diagnose and repair those vehicles. But the benefits of automotive technology extend well beyond just repair capabilities.

Modern automotive shop software allows you to mobilize your operations, automate time-consuming tasks, and streamline processes to grow your business efficiently. From digital inspections to online payments to customer communication platforms, the right automotive shop software solutions can revolutionize your shop's daily workflow and customer experience.

Read our in-depth guide about The Need for Technology in Automotive Repair Shops.

Reasons for Resistance to Automotive Shop Software

All shops want to grow, but many are not willing to invest in the technology required for their business to keep up with the rapidly evolving times. Let's look at the main reasons shop owners are resistant to automotive shop software and technology and why conquering those fears is crucial:

  1. Time Commitment
  2. Fear of Change
  3. If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It
  4. Cost Concerns

1. Time Commitment

Time commitment is a very large part of the resistance to technology. The daily chaos of the shop doesn’t always permit the luxury of time. Customers can be unpredictable. There are too many interruptions and not enough time to get things done during the day as it is. Finding the time to learn about automotive shop software is tough enough on its own, even before you factor in the time commitment it would take to put it in place and train up service staff. However, while the initial investment may be significant, the amount of time saved and the additional money earned is well worth it.

2. Fear of Change

Let us paint a picture: People in shops are treading water. They don’t even have time to look around for help. The fear of taking the time to find, review, setup, and implement a new system feels like you’ll sink below the surface and drown. Sound familiar?

Everything around the employees in an auto repair shop is changing at an extreme pace. The new digital technology is just another facet of this change. If you just look at technology as another thing added to your plate, you will never be able to see how much work it will actually alleviate. 

3. If It Ain’t Broke, Don’t Fix It

Independent shops are sometimes just that—independent. You have pride in what you do (as you should), but it can lead you to believe that you're as successful as you can be. You've worked hard for what you've built and are not about to let some other shop or product come in and tell you what you're doing wrong.

Some shops have been in business for decades, and that's no small feat. But, if you are not willing to keep up with the latest trends to remain relevant to your customers, your company will stop growing. And ultimately, if you are not growing, you're dying.

4. Cost Concerns

For shop owners already juggling many operating costs like equipment, tools, software subscriptions, and more each month, adopting one more automotive shop software product with yet another recurring fee can feel like an overwhelming burden. But in the grand scheme, it's not. Automotive technology's ability to increase efficiency, streamline operations, boost repair order revenue, and improve customer satisfaction more than justifies the investment for most shops. Shop owners that utilize BOLT ON Technology products have credited an increase in their average repair order by up to 39%. It may be time to rethink how strategic technology investments can drive your shop's profitability rather than merely viewing them as expenses.

It's Time to Overcome Resistance to Automotive Shop Software

There are understandable reasons why shop owners may be resistant to automotive technology. But in an industry being disrupted by rapid change and increasingly sophisticated vehicle systems, modernizing your shop is no longer optional. It's imperative for surviving and thriving amid industry shifts.

Rather than viewing new technology as a threat, you should recognize its immense potential as a competitive advantage and catalyst for sustainable growth. Incorporating the right digital solutions can mobilize operations, streamline workflows, improve efficiency, boost revenues, and transform the customer experience. For auto repair shops willing to embrace innovation, automotive technology represents a path forward into a more productive, profitable future. The time to overcome resistance and modernize is now.

Is your auto repair shop being left behind by industry changes and new technology? Don't let your business fall victim to stagnation. Get in touch with a BOLT ON expert today to discuss upgrading your shop with our leading automotive shop software solutions and leave resistance in the rearview mirror.